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直线筛筛网破损的原因有一下几点 There are several reasons for the damage of linear screen

更新时间:2020-10-23 点击数:1265


1.直线振动筛筛网的质量问题是导致筛网破裂过快的重要因素。 如果筛网的材料不符合筛分要求,筛网将迅速损坏。 

2.直线振动筛通常具有上部筛层和下部力层。 要求这两层彼此紧密粘附。 如果屏幕的预张紧过程不佳,则屏幕底部的受力层很紧。 当筛网层没有拉紧时,筛网机下方的筛网之间的距离太大,并且不能有效地挤压筛框的接触部分,这是筛网损坏过快的原因之一。 而且,筛网没有足够地张紧以引起筛网振动,通常沿筛网的边缘或胎圈的边缘断裂或损坏。

3.进料问题。 由于在振动筛的工作过程中物料是连续送入的,因此一次加料过多,会阻碍物料在筛面上的正常运动,不仅使筛网疲劳松弛,而且增加了筛网的疲劳度。 减少了材料的处理量。 一次施加大量的材料,这会在不平衡操作中突然增加电动机本身的负载,这不仅容易损坏筛网,而且容易造成振动电动机的损坏,因此有必要 放置物料时均匀地喂入物料。 在强烈冲击的进给模式下,振动筛须配备缓冲料斗。 材料在屏幕上的直接撞击会消耗振动源产生的激励力,这更可能导致屏幕损坏和屏幕疲劳。

1. The quality problem of linear vibrating screen is an important factor that causes the screen to break too fast. If the material of the screen does not meet the screening requirements, the screen will be quickly damaged.

2. Linear vibrating screen usually has upper screen layer and lower force layer. The two layers are required to adhere closely to each other. If the pre tension process of the screen is not good, the stress layer at the bottom of the screen is very tight. When the screen layer is not tightened, the distance between the screens under the screen machine is too large, and the contact part of the screen frame can not be effectively squeezed, which is one of the reasons for the rapid damage of the screen. Moreover, the screen is not tensioned enough to cause screen vibration, usually breaking or damaging along the edge of the screen or bead.

3. Feeding problem. Due to the continuous feeding of materials in the working process of the vibrating screen, excessive feeding at one time will hinder the normal movement of materials on the screen surface, which not only makes the screen fatigue and relaxation, but also increases the fatigue degree of the screen. The material handling capacity is reduced. A large amount of material is applied at one time, which will suddenly increase the load of the motor itself in the unbalanced operation, which is not only easy to damage the screen, but also easy to cause damage to the vibrating motor. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the material evenly when placing the material. In the feeding mode of strong impact, the vibrating screen must be equipped with buffer hopper. The direct impact of materials on the screen will consume the excitation force generated by the vibration source, which is more likely to cause screen damage and screen fatigue.


